
Showing posts from February, 2006

Condor is now installed on the Grid nodes

Condor version and platform: $CondorVersion: 6.6.10 Jun 13 2005 $ $CondorPlatform: I386-LINUX_RH9 $ Condor is now instaled on Grid4,5,6,7 and 9. All the nodes are both compute and submit nodes, Grid9 is the Central Manager. Grid8 is down due to a hard disk failure. [condor@grid4 condor]$ condor_status Name OpSys Arch State Activity LoadAv Mem ActvtyTime vm1@grid4.bgu LINUX INTEL Owner Idle 0.000 501[?????] vm2@grid4.bgu LINUX INTEL Unclaimed Idle 0.000 501 0+00:39:33 vm1@grid5.bgu LINUX INTEL Owner Idle 0.000 249[?????] vm2@grid5.bgu LINUX INTEL Owner Idle 0.000 249[?????] vm1@grid6.bgu LINUX INTEL Owner Idle 0.000 501[?????] vm2@grid6.bgu LINUX INTEL Owner Idle 0.000 501[?????] vm1@grid7.bgu LINUX INTEL Owner Idle 0.000 501[?????] vm2@grid7.bgu LINUX INTEL Owner Idle 0.000 501[?????] vm1@grid9.bgu LINUX ...

The Grid computers specifications

Grid4: Processor: Dual AMD Athlon(tm) MP 2000+, 1666MHz, cache: 256 KB, RAM: 1GB, HD: 40GB, OS: Scientific Linux 3.03, Kernel: 2.4.21-20.ELsmp Grid5: Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz, cache: 1MB, HD:80GB, OS: Scientific Linux, Kernel 2.4.21-37.ELsmp. Grid6: Processor: Dual AMD Athlon(tm) MP 1900+, 1600MHz, cache: 256 KB, RAM: 1GB, HD: 40GB, OS: Scientific Linux, Kernel: 2.4.21-20.ELsmp Grid7: Processor: Dual AMD Athlon(tm) MP 2000+, 1666MHz, cache: 256 KB, RAM: 1GB, HD: 40GB, OS: Scientific Linux 3.03, Kernel: 2.4.21-20.ELsmp Grid8: Down!!! Grid9: Dual AMD Athlon(tm) MP 2000+, 1666MHz, cache: 256 KB, RAM: 1GB, HD: 40GB, OS: Scientific Linux 3.03, Kernel: 2.4.21-20.ELsmp

A New Condor Application at the BGU

Collaboration with Chen Keasar In the forthcoming weeks I will try to "Condorize" his computer code Meshi

BGU grid computers maintenance

Welcome to my Grid Computing and other stuff blog! Your comments will be most appreciated. Today's activities 1) Set ssh access without password between nodes. 2) Install Condor 6.6.10 on being the central manager: under /usr/local [root@grid8 local]# gzip -d condor-6.6.10-linux-x86-glibc23-dynamic.tar.gz [root@grid8 local]# tar xvf ./condor-6.6.10-linux-x86-glibc23-dynamic.tar [root@grid8 local]# hostname [root@grid8 local]# cd condor-6.6.10 [root@grid8 condor-6.6.10]# ./condor_install My answer to the Condor installer: Full installation. Multiple machines. Machines do not share files via a file server. There is no realse dir yet. Installation dir: /usr/local/condor Create that directory. Notify by Email to: Mail path: /bin/mail Do all the machines are from domain " " - Yes. Unique UID - No. Enable Java support: Yes Java exists under: /usr/bin/java Create links to other directories: Yes "bin" wi...