
Showing posts from June, 2006

How to start MonALISA - A reminder for myself

cd to: /home/condor/MonaLisa/Service/CMD then type: [condor@grid4 CMD]$ ./MLD start Password: Starting UPDATE ..........OK Trying to start MonaLisa.Please wait...STARTED [ PID == 4427 ] or better, as root: Usage: /etc/rc.d/init.d/MLD [start|stop|restart] Then enjoy the plot from the client:

How to create a big file?

We wanted to do some benchmarks about file transfers between Israel and Singapore. Here is my way to create a big file, using Octave (Matlab should work as well): -bash-2.05b$ cat ./big.m mat=ones(1,1000*1024*1024/8); size(mat) save -binary OneGig.dat mat # here are a few examples: -bash-2.05b$ ls -l -rw-r--r-- 1 tel-zur tel-zur 1000M Jun 23 18:19 OneGig.dat You are welcome to try, but hey! Give me a credit ok ? :) Here is an update to this post (Nov.16,2006): The method above can be called the " Physicist Way ", Now I will describe the " Computer Geek Way ", which is much more elegant of course: dd if=/dev/zero of=one_gig_file bs=1M count=1000 That's it!

The 3rd IGT HPC work group meeting

The 3rd IGT HPC work group meeting will take place on Wednesday, June 21, 15:00-17:00 For further details click on the link or visit the IGT web site then click on "Next IGT Events"

The wonderful VPN

Using VPN I can now do lots of things as if I am connected from inside the campus: Bingo! I am connected and able to submit Condor jobs from the departmental terminal server and of course browes magazines from the university library.