
Showing posts from February, 2007

Invitation to the next IGT HPC Work group meeting

Monday, March 26th, 2007 IGT Offices, Maskit 4, 5th Floor, Hertzliya Agenda: 14:00-14:15: OPENING - Avner & Guy 14:15-14:50: PPF, JAVA, OPEN-SOURCE AND GRID: BEYOND THE TRADITIONAL GRID Speaker: Laurent Cohen, ILOG, Inc. and JPPF founder Abstract: Traditional Grid architectures rely on a concept of job submission that comes with a set of constraints regarding the nature of the compute nodes, the ease of deployment of the jobs, and the effort required to use the Grid, which could otherwise be utilized to work on the problems to solve. JPPF offers an alternative, enabling a true heterogeneous nature of the Grid components, an ease of use that permits ...