In the RHEL documentation (Chapter 4. "Diskless Environments", item #4) there is an in-accuracy in the rsync syntax usage. Instead of: rsync -a -e ssh golden_client:/ /diskless/whatever/root/ Use the following syntax which does not produce error messages: rsync -v -a -e ssh --exclude='/sys/*' --exclude='/proc/*' golden_client:/ /diskless/whatever/root/ Other comments (that I find critial in my experience): 1) Make sure the following RPM is installed in the client: busybox-anaconda (In my CentOS4.4 case it is: busybox-anaconda-1.00.rc1-5.x86_64.rpm) 2) Make sure there are no active NFS mounted partitions on the client before executing 'rsync'. 3) Make sure that the following 2 directories exist: /tftpboot/linux-install/msgs/ /tftpboot/linux-install/pxelinux.cfg and that in the tftp definition file under /etc/xinted.d/tftp the following line is set correctly: server_args = -s /tftpboot/linux-install 4) If pxelinux.0 does not exist under /tftp...