IGT HPC Work Group Meeting
- Intel® Parallel Software Tools for HPC and Multi-Core Computing - Erlang for 5 nines Monday, December 8 th , 2008 IGT Offices, Maskit 4, 5th Floor, Hertzliya. 14:00-14:15: OPENING - Avner & Guy 14:15-15:00: Intel® Parallel Software Tools for HPC and Multi-Core Computing Herbert Cornelius, Director Advanced Computing Center EMEA and Alexander Supalov, Engineering Manager Intel Cluster Tools Abstract As we see Moore 's Law still continuing, more and more parallelism is introduced to all computing platforms and on all levels of integration and programming. Especially in the area of High-Performance Computing (HPC) users can entertain a combination of different hardware and software parallel architectures and programming environments. Those technologies range from vectorization and SIMD computation over shared memory multi-threading (e.g. OpenMP) to distributed memory message passing (e.g. MPI) on cluster systems. But it also puts more and more demand on software...