MPI.NET Tutorial
In this post I will show step by step how to install and execute MPI (Message Passing Interface) parallel programs in the .NET environment. A much more detailed tutorial is available here . 1) Installation: My computer is running Windows Vista and Visual Studio 2008 is already installed. Download and install the HPC Pack 2008 (next 5 figures): Then install the MPI.NET SDK.msi (see next 4 figures): 2) Test the installation from the command line (next 3 figures): A "Ping-Pong" program Serial run: As should be, the firewall detects the communication traffic and the user should allow it: Parallel run: 3) MPI "Hello" demo using Visual Studio 2008 and C# (next 5 figures): Start a new console C# project: Add Reference to the MPI component: Build the executable: Execute the parallel program with 8 threads: Verifying the execution of the 8 threads by looking at the Task Manager: That's all for now. Your comments are welcome. Guy Tel-Zur Email: