IGT HPC WG Meeting - High performance computing needs for Numerical Weather Prediction
IGT HPC Work Group Meeting High-performance computing needs for Numerical Weather Prediction Speaker: Yoav Levi, Israel Meteorological Service http://www.ims.gov.il/IMS/All_Tahazit/homepage.htm Wednesday, March 24th, 2010 IGT Offices, Maskit 4, 5th Floor, Hertzliya. 13:45-14:00: Gathering 14:00-14:05: Opening - Avner & Guy 14:05-15:00: High performance computing needs for Numerical Weather Prediction 15:00-15:15: Discussion and concluding remarks Title: High performance computing needs for Numerical Weather Prediction Abstract: Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) uses current weather conditions as input into Mathematical models of the atmosphere to predict the weather. Richardson wrote the differential equations for NWP at 1922. He also calculated that if there was a "forecasting factory", 64,000 people will be needed to solve the equations and ...