
Showing posts from 2011

Globus Provision

I tested globus-provision which is an easy way to have a globus+condor cluster ready for number crunching on Amazon’s EC2 cloud. My front end was my laptop which runs Windows. Python on Windows does not behave exactly as on Linux when it comes to SIGINT and therefore os.fork() generated an error message. Thanks to the support of  Borja Sotomayor the SIGINT issues has resolved and the solution was to by-pass the SIGINT so I could proceed with the test. You can read more about this issue from here: I tried the example from: I decided not to use globusonline for the eBooks transfer and I used wget instead. Below are a few screen captures that show the test. My configuration file:  Preparing the instance: after a minute or two: checking the instance: Watching my cluster at the AWS management ...

"Big Data" - The New Big Kid in Town

A year ago almost no one knew this term. With a doubling time of less than 6 months "Big Data" is becoming a hot hype, as can be seen below (by  Google Trends ) :

The End of Supercomputers As We Know Them Today

About four years ago I predicted in this blog the fall of Grid Computing and the rise of Cloud Computing (  ) Now I want to claim that Supercomputers as we know them today will not be the kind we will see in the future. I think that within a couple of years: 1. Most supercomputers will shift to the cloud (HPC Cloud). 2. The governance of X86 is not guaranteed: We already see the rise of GPGPUs and we will see more families of technologies being involved, e.g. Tegra and ARM, Reconfigureable Computing (RC) i.e. FPGAs, etc'. 3. Supercomputers won't be anymore General Purpose machines. They will be reconstructed as a Cloud Service ( Supercomputing as a Service ) from all the available technologies (see previous section) per single mission (program) in order to maximize the performance and minimize the consumed energy and cost. I decided to use the word mission because the word  task is u...

Cloud Computing turns 15!

Congratulations! Cloud Computing turns 15, don't believe? check this link. The original article is by Technology Review , check here

Computational Science and Engineering

You are welcome to join my Meetup group about Computational Science and Engineering  (we are the leftmost site but the exact location is not exactly as appears on the map :-( )



Gmail is becoming too smart

I replied to someone's email who was supposed to send me attached files which were absent so I wrote back: " No files are attached ". When I pressed the "send" button Gmail analyzed my text and immediately opened this pop up window: The Big Brother at its best.

A first trial with DotCloud

DotCloud claims to be One Platform - Any Stack Cloud solution I decided to test it myself, read below. 1. Registration Very easy and quick! 2. Setup I used a Linux desktop (dream linux). I needed to install first Python´s ¨easy-install¨ which was missing.  2.1 Installing easy_install sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-setuptools 2.2 Dotcloud API installation t elzur@dream:~/Downloads/dotcloud$ sudo easy_install pip && sudo pip install dotcloud Searching for pip Reading Reading Reading Best match: pip 1.0.1 Downloading Processing pip-1.0.1.tar.gz Running pip-1.0.1/ -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /tmp/easy_install-XXryzJ/pip-1.0.1/egg-dist-tmp-f2uO_w warning: no files found matching '*.html' under directory 'docs' warning: no previously-inclu...

The Chernobyl accident of Cloud Computing

    When introducing Cloud Computing (CC) people usually like to emphasize the similarities between Electric Power Grids (EPG) and CC.     These analogies include: On demand service, Pay-Per-Use (PPU) model, the Elasticity of the resources, load balancing and even water cooling,     After the Amazon EC2 service disruption on April 21 st , 2011, we can identify more similarities between EPG and CC in disasters related issues. These similarities include: 1. A global damage (with immediate and delayed components). 2. Uncontrolled behavior of the resources (neutron population vs. loss of connectivity or fuel rods meltdown vs. failing servers). 3. During the crisis, similar announcements to the public which minimize the catastrophe. 4. After the crisis, publication of the event investigation in length. 5. Loss of confidence in the technology by the users.

e-Science: Are we there yet?

Distinguished lecture, Prof. David Abramson   You are invited to attend! Guy

Supercomputing trends: Peta mug vs.Tera mug
