The 4th IGT Grid-HPC Work group meeting

The 4th Grid-HPC Work group meeting

Date: Thursday, November 9th

Location: IGT Offices, Maskit 4, 5th Floor, Hertzliya


14:00 - 14:15: Opening. Avner & Guy

14:15 - 15:00: Grid Mathematica.

Speaker: Haim Ricas, M.Sc Applied Mathematica

General Manager Tashtit Scientific Consultants Ltd

Wolfram Research Distributors in Israel


gridMathematica implements many parallel programming primitives and includes high-level commands for parallel execution of matrix operations, plotting, and other functions. It comes with sample applications of many popular new programming approaches, such as parallel Monte Carlo simulation, visualization, searching, and optimization.

The implementations for all high-level parallel processing commands are provided in Mathematica source form, so they can also serve as templates for users to build their own parallel programs.

At the meeting I'll present a general overview, I'll demonstrate powerful examples and I'll discuss main key benefits on Mathematica and gridMathematica

Speaker: Zvi Tannenbaum from ACS ( will talk about:
High-Performance Computing with Mathematica: The PoochMPI Toolkit
The new PoochMPI Toolkit for Mathematica enables Wolfram Research's
Mathematica to be combined with the easy-to-use, supercomputer-
compatible Pooch clustering technology of Dauger Research. This
fusion applies the parallel computing paradigm of today's
supercomputers and the ease-of-use of Pooch to Mathematica, enabling
possibilities none of these technologies could do alone.
Closely following the supercomputing industry-standard Message-
Passing Interface (MPI), the PoochMPI Toolkit creates a standard way
for every Mathematica kernel in the cluster to communicate with each
other directly while performing computations. In contrast to typical
grid implementations that are solely master-slave or server-client,
this solution instead has all kernels communicate with each other
directly and collectively the way modern supercomputers do.

15:00 - 15:10: Break

15:10 - 15:40: Intel Xeon Dual Core Processor Roadmap.

Speaker: Moshe Yaacov, Eastronics, Technical Support Manager.

Abstract: TBA

15:40- 16:15: Discussion and concluding remarks

To register, please send your contact details to

Thank you!

Guy Tel-Zur

Grid-HPC WG Director



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