
Showing posts from February, 2009

IGT HPC Work Group Meeting - Intel TBB, Exanet

Monday, March 23 rd , 2009 IGT Offices, Maskit 4, 5th Floor, Hertzliya. 14:00-14:15: Gathering 14:15-14:30: Opening - Avner & Guy 14:30-15:25: Introduction to Intel Threading Tools 15:25-15:35: Coffee Break 15:35-16:25: ExaStore® Clustered NAS System 16:25-16:35: Discussion and concluding remarks Detailed Agenda: 14:30-15:25: Introduction to Intel Threading Tools Speaker: Dr. Ami Marowka, Department of Computer Science Bar-Ilan University Abstract Intel Threading tools, Thread Profiler and Thread Checker , allow performing correctness and performance checking on multi-threaded applications running on multicore systems. The parallelization method may be based on POSIX, Windows Threads, or on OpenMP. Thread Profiler is the tool which identifies bottlenecks that limit the parallel performance of your multi-threaded application, locates synchronization delays, stalled threads, excessive blocking time, and ineffective utilization...

IGT HPC Work Group Meeting - Maplesoft Parallel and Grid Computing Toolbox

Maple Workshop - Grid Computing Toolbox Monday, February 23 rd , 2009 14:00 - 17:00 IGT Offices, Maskit 4, 5th Floor, Hertzliya. 14:15-14:30: Opening - Avner & Guy 14:30-15:45: Maple – Part 1, Introduction to Maple 15:45-16:00: Coffee Break 16:00-17:00: Maple – Part 2, Maplesoft Parallel and Grid Computing Toolbox Detailed Agenda: 14:30-15:45: Maple – Part 1: Introduction to Maple Speaker: Omer Yagel, DigiSec LTD Abstract An Introduction to Maple 12 lecture Q&A Lecture's Content Easy start The document interface principles A brief on clickable math Efficient use of the help The Maple philosophy for efficient use Symbolism ODEs Integrals Matrices Naming the many other areas I have no time to show (graph theory, tensor calc...) Numerics Precision ODEs Matrices Internal NAG routines Graphics ...