IGT HPC Work Group Meeting - Intel TBB, Exanet

Monday, March 23rd, 2009

IGT Offices, Maskit 4, 5th Floor, Hertzliya.

14:00-14:15: Gathering

14:15-14:30: Opening - Avner & Guy

14:30-15:25: Introduction to Intel Threading Tools

15:25-15:35: Coffee Break

15:35-16:25: ExaStore® Clustered NAS System

16:25-16:35: Discussion and concluding remarks

Detailed Agenda:

14:30-15:25: Introduction to Intel Threading Tools

Speaker: Dr. Ami Marowka, Department of Computer Science

Bar-Ilan University


Intel Threading tools, Thread Profiler and Thread Checker, allow performing correctness and performance checking on multi-threaded applications running on multicore systems. The parallelization method may be based on POSIX, Windows Threads, or on OpenMP.

Thread Profiler is the tool which identifies bottlenecks that limit the parallel performance of your multi-threaded application, locates synchronization delays, stalled threads, excessive blocking time, and ineffective utilization of processors. It helps to find the best sections of code to optimize for sequential performance and for threaded performance, and compares scalability across different numbers of processors or using different threading methods.

Thread Checker is the tool which identifies and locates threading issues. Very often, concurrency problems (data races and deadlocks) are overlooked by the user during the parallelization process. This tool reliably identifies all problems of this kind; under the right conditions it is also possible to specify the exact location in the source code where things go wrong.

The talk is a pure live technology demonstration.

15:25-15:35: Coffee Break

15:35-16:25: ExaStore® Clustered NAS System

Speaker: Mr. Gregory Gurevich – Technical Director, Exanet LTD.


Scalable performance with clustered storage solution for traditional HPC and next-generation enterprise grids
The computing world is facing a major transformation – from old client/server architectures to virtualized global data centers. This change brings classic storage solutions to their limits with hardware and software bottlenecks.
Exanet offers an open storage architecture that combines the latest hardware innovations available in the market and the most efficient network storage software. Unlike other grid storage solutions, Exanet is based on a distributed file system, enabling both scalability and unlimited capacity. In addition, it provides advanced data management functionality that historically was unavailable in clustered storage

16:25-16:35: Discussion and concluding remarks

To register, please send your contact details to info@grid.org.il

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Best Regards,

Guy Tel-Zur, Ph.D.

IGT Chairman



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