IGT Cloud Investment Summit

Israeli association for Grid Technologies (IGT)

Cloud Investment Summit
for Virtualization and Cloud/SaaS Based startups

June 1st, 2009
Tel Aviv , Israel

Innovate Faster with Cloud Computing
Thanks to Cloud computing, the time it takes to bring a new product idea to market is shorter than ever before. Cloud computing helps startups to reduce the time and the cost to set-up and run R&D infrastructures. The immediate availability of unlimited computer resources expands the industry scope of R&D capabilities and improving the productivity and the profitability of the industry.

Call for Startups
Do you want to present your start-up to investors and CIOs?
For 5 minutes the floor could be all yours. Impress the press, wow your audience and secure your investment! We want the best startups, so if you're working on something spectacular in the Cloud, Grid, Virtualization or SaaS, the floor can be yours.

The event details and registration:


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